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Redtail Advisor Hero Thumbnail

Redtail Advisor Hero

Written by Lee Stoerzinger, CFP®

I was recently nominated to be an 'Advisor Hero' by Redtail Technologies, our customer relationship management (CRM) partner. I was humbled by the nomination as Redtail is the premier CRM in our industry, serving thousands of financial advisors worldwide. 

The Redtail Advisor Hero initiative is designed to highlight the stories, backgrounds, and/or charitable work of financial advisors outside of their day-to-day jobs. Each story is unique and serves as a testament to all the amazing people in the financial services industry. So many advisors, myself included, are drawn to this business because they want to help others. It's fun to hear their stories and an honor to be included among them.

My feature story was published on Redtail Technology's website last week. You can read the full article here.

Although I wouldn't call myself a 'hero', I sure do enjoy helping people in whatever way I can whether through my work or serving the community. The connections I make along the way provide me great joy and for that I am forever grateful.

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