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What I Learned as a DJ Thumbnail

What I Learned as a DJ

So back in the late 1980’s when I was in college, I had a roommate that worked for a DJ music company. Every weekend he would be traveling throughout Wisconsin, attending weddings, parties, football games, proms, etc. This was at a time when it was a new thing to go to an event and have this type of set-up. Until then, it was mostly live bands that you would see. As time went by, I became curious about what he was doing, and the stories he would share about his “work”. One day, I went along with him, and had a blast. I decided to join a few more times and I was hooked. I inquired more about whether I could join the organization, what the requirements were, etc. After further discussion and training, I too was now a DJ.

I’m just going to say it. Being a DJ was a challenging job. And as I look back, there were many skills that I learned which helped me to this day. Imagine showing up to a small town you’ve never been to, entering a hall with hundreds of people, and proceeding to set up your equipment. Lots of curiousness. Then, when the time comes, everyone is staring at you, and you must perform. Period. By the way, this was when we were using tapes with various songs on them, and large books to scroll through to find preferrable music. When someone suggests a favorite, I would have to search the tape and “cue” it up for the next song, and this was how we provided the entertainment for the event. Just imagine me up there in front of you. Lol. 

What are some of the things I learned while in my tenure as a DJ?

  • It is very important to be able to read a “crowd” 
  • Making accurate decisions quickly can be valuable
  • Using the right tools for the job is crucial
  • Everyone has different needs, and understanding them means everything
  • Having a structured plan and agenda is a necessity
  • True leadership can be challenging, and sometimes you feel alone
  • You can’t always make everyone happy

I have always been a fan of music, and recently harkened back to this part of my life. Just thought I would share a bit. As I am now thirty-some years older, and have had many different life experiences, I am thankful for the somewhat unique opportunity to build some valuable life skills. You just never know where your life journey will take you, and what will precede your current situation.

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