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Why We're Different, Why It Matters Thumbnail

Why We're Different, Why It Matters

There are many financial planning firms of different types out there looking to serve people trying to manage and optimize their wealth. We are glad there are as there is much need. As we have moved through the decades, the complexities of wealth management have gotten more and more complex, and planning a legacy takes on many parts. 

As someone who has been in the financial services business for over thirty years, I am always thinking about where the industry is headed, what are the best tools in the marketplace to help clients build wealth, what service will look like in the future, etc. I have studied many different business models, as they relate to company size, relationship and service experience and giving our clients something truly different. As we have traveled our road, what we have found is there are some things we have to do to work within the external system, such as the investment tools we use or overall financial planning software. It is our job to find those tools which help our clients meet their goals. Then there are the internal viewpoints that we have a little more control over, like staff, overall viewpoint on wealth management, high level client service, and what all that truly means.

One of the many things we believe makes us different in this business these days is our understanding of optimizing both the external and internal factors discussed above that shape our business. Second, we have been independent since the day we opened our doors in 1993 and have always been able to sit at the same side of the table as our clients. (While this doesn’t make us unique, it does add to the overall offering). Third, we understand that our clients’ lives are their financial plans, and that their financial plans are not their lives, and we treat every minute in our client relationships as such. Finally, and most uniquely, we have a complex understanding that money is not just financial, but also intellectual, emotional and spiritual. Much of the money world is built on the premise that it is simply financial, and we believe that without understanding how all four parts work together that we cannot have a successful opportunity to serve our clients.

You can develop a partnership with whomever you wish in building your wealth plan. We are thankful for the opportunity to serve each person we work with. We also believe that we do not want to be all things to all people, but all things to some people, and come to work each day with this in mind.

Investing involves risk. No investment strategy can guarantee positive results. Loss, including loss of principal, may occur. Material discussed is meant to provide general information and it is not to be construed as specific investment, tax or legal advice. Keep in mind that current and historical facts may not be indicative of future results. Diversification is an investment strategy that can help manage risk within a portfolio, but it does not guarantee profits or protect against loss in declining markets.

This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. (C) Twenty Over Ten