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You Can Text Me Now! Thumbnail

You Can Text Me Now!

The world of communication has changed much over the years. Considering the iPhone is only 17 years old; things are moving quickly. Remember when it was easier to call someone rather than email them? Now it seems texting or various forms of social media are becoming our chosen forms. As it relates to our industry, there is a strong regulatory side as it relates to communications. As of late, texting has not been an option relating to specific business communications because there has not been a source to review for compliance reasons. That’s why if you have ever texted me, you probably received a phone call soon after to engage in conversation.

Well, times have changed, and you can text me now. We have recently engaged in a service that allows texting as a form of communication with clients. To get into the details, it is an app on our phones with a specific phone number. Once we communicate for the first time, you will simply use that number from then on as it relates to business communications.

This may seem like a basic thing and wonder what the big deal is. As all written client communications like emails are reviewed for compliance purposes, we now have the ability to capture data through the worlds “preferred” communication choice. It’s going to make our lives a lot easier, and we appreciate the movement from our industry.

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